
Founded in 1971, Murrysville Area AAUW is a local branch of the national American Association of University Women of which there are over 100,000 members. AAUW advocates equality for woman and girls and works to break the education and economic barriers that are experienced by women and girls today.

AAUW, founded in 1881, is open to all graduates who hold an associate degree or equivalent, or baccalaureate or higher degree from a college or university or academically accredited institution. In principle and practice AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There are no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class. Membership is not by invitation.

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Current Branch Newsletter

Upcoming Events

January 12
“Stress and Brain Health” with Dr. Michael J. Zigmond, professor of biology at
University of Pittsburgh

February 9
“Islam in America Today” with Aliya Khan

March 9
“The Secret Service, Policing and Fiction” with JJ Hensley, former secret service and law enforcement officer, and crime novel author

April 13 “The End of the Age of Dinosaurs in Antarctica” with Dr. Matt Lamanna, Carnegie Museum of Natural History

May 11 “Our Musical May Luncheon”


February 15
“80 Acres Restaurant: An Afternoon of Delight”

April 20
“Westmoreland Museum Tour” with lunch at the museum

May 18
“Burgh Bits and Bites Tour of Southside”